Position Presets

displayunchanged positionunchanged z-indexunchanged font-size scalingn/a breakpointsno

Class list

  • .(x)-(y)


The position preset classes are to be used on an element whose position value is something other than static.


The (x) values that can be plugged in are: left, center, right.

The (y) values that can be plugged in are: top, center, bottom.


<div class="h-1-2-vh relative primary r">
    <figure class="squared danger absolute left-top"></figure>
    <figure class="squared danger absolute left-center"></figure>
    <figure class="squared danger absolute left-bottom"></figure>
    <figure class="squared danger absolute center-top"></figure>
    <figure class="squared danger absolute center-center"></figure>
    <figure class="squared danger absolute center-bottom"></figure>
    <figure class="squared danger absolute right-top"></figure>
    <figure class="squared danger absolute right-center"></figure>
    <figure class="squared danger absolute right-bottom"></figure>